Sponsor a Prize in 2024

We’re running a national campaign for the Rhondda Cynon Taf National Eisteddfod Prizes.

Click here to donate a prize for 2024!

We want everyone to have a chance to support us, so we’ve launched a national appeal for the prizes. This is to make sure that everyone can be part of the competitions and celebrations and we hope that people will want to contribute generously. We’ve got an ambitious financial target, and we need the support of the whole of Wales to help us reach the goal.

How to sponsor a prize

Sponsoring a prize at the Rhondda Cynon Taf Eisteddfod is easy! Click here to donate now! Choose your prize and pay for it online, ensuring that the money goes to a local committee fund in the area. If you don’t want to contribute to a specific local committee, you can still help us to reach our target by contributing to the general Local Fund.

List of Competitions

Any contribution or prize secured before the beginning of June 2023 will be included in the List of Competitions which will be published on Saturday 24 June during the Proclamation Ceremony in Aberdare. Include the text you’d like us to publish in the List of Competitions and Official Programme on the order form.

Eisteddfod Programme

Any contribution over £50 will be included in the official Programme published in summer 2024.

Gift Aid

Remember to tick the Gift Aid box if you pay taxes in the UK. This is an opportunity to add 25% to your donation without costing you a penny - an excellent way to help us reach the Local Fund's goal.


Need advice or a chat before sponsoring a prize? Get in touch.

Diolch yn fawr for all the support.